Photo used with permission from Quilt Sampler® magazine. ©2020 Meredith Corporation. All Rights Reserved
Quilt Sampler Top Shop Fall / Winter 2020
We are so excited to announce that our shop is featured in and on the cover of the Fall/Winter 2020 Quilt Sampler magazine, by All People Quilt, as a Top Shop!! It’s been so hard keeping this big secret from you all for so long as we found out back in early February. Since then we have had a team of photographers come in the shop, had an over the phone interview, and Diane aka “Mama Bear” had to design a quilt. Such a fun experience and we are so excited to now share the magazine with all of you.
Also, a BIG thanks to all of you who have been such wonderful customers and some now even friends! We wouldn’t have had this amazing opportunity without the support of all of you. Thank You So Much!

Designed by Diane Schultz. Photo used with permission from Quilt Sampler® magazine. ©2020 Meredith Corporation. All Rights Reserved
Bright Spot Quilt
Designed by Diane Schultz
The Bright Spot quilt that “Mama Bear” designed is finally here!! We’ve been waiting for what feels like forever to unveil this quilt design to you all. The quilt seems fitting at this time as we all could use a Bright Spot in these crazy times we are living in. The Bright Spot quilt pattern is featured in this Fall/Winter 2020 Quilt Sampler magazine, which is sold separately.
The cost of the kit is $74 plus shipping and includes the quilt top and binding.
This quilt uses different quilting techniques including appliqué and big stitch quilting (big stitch quilting optional for finished look)
Finished Quilt: 54-1⁄4″ × 67-1/2″